Back to school!
August 13th, 2015 by IGL Admin | | Posted in Field Updates, Opportunities
While many children in the U.S. eagerly look forward to seeing friends this school year, for children living half way around the world in India, school has been under way for nearly two months! And these children do not seem so different from those in America. Recess is one of the most longed for parts of the day. Children can be seen all across the playground running, climbing and playing soccer or cricket with friends, while their laughter and excited screams fill the air.
But while children around the world share a love of playing with friends, their preparedness for school is as different as night and day. All too often the books the school uses are long outdated and the children prize their single two inch pencils because supplies are so limited and their parents cannot afford to replace them. On the other hand, parents in America have the privilege to spend time shopping for new clothes, selecting folders with the most adorable puppies or their favorite superheroes and colorful markers or crayons so their children can begin the school year prepared.
This year, one of the biggest challenges IGL schools are facing is the lack of adequate supplies, such as notebooks, backpacks, pencils and books, for the 10,000+ students enrolled. Since most parents in India cannot afford these basic school necessities, will you help provide school supplies for children?
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