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Throughout our history, we have partnered with hundreds of churches, pastors, medical professionals, and laypeople who have shared our passion to serve people in the least-reached areas of South Asia.

Our Board of Reference:

Dr. Tom Mullins
Dr. Reggie McNeal
Dr. John Townsend


Even though the world is at our doorstep, most people raised in Western culture live in a small way. Our ambitions (if we have them) tend toward material advance, pleasures of the moment, securing a retirement. But, every now and then, we stumble upon a larger, exhilarating, mind-bending world of adventure, life and death, dreams and challenges that change the course of lifetimes. We find ourselves not just reading about, but actually becoming a part of a story of incredible hope that reaches into our deepest being and gives us a taste of what it means to be used of God . . . this is the world that waits for each of us. I know. I’ve been there. I’ve seen it. I’ve been changed by it. And, I long to be even more a part of the unfolding story. You will, too. You will never be satisfied with the incidental again.” —PASTOR JIM LYON, General Director of the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana

India is so vast and ancient. We often remember it in negative terms – a religious country that is very mystical and animistic, many gods that reflect the sensual desires of men, a social caste system that condemns a large segment of the populace to perpetual squalor and despair. But to judge a people as such and then close the book on them is to turn your back on mankind and to miss the heart of God. This is where IGL steps up and in the name of Jesus, makes a difference. IGL saw something different; they saw what India could be when Jesus Christ became their focus. For four generations the IGL family has reached out in love to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the masses of India. When I met the president of IGL, I met a man who genuinely loves his people. He had sacrificed and served them with abandon. From his efforts and the efforts of IGL, thousands of churches have grown up. The message proclaimed by the Apostle Thomas in the first century has begun to flourish once again in the heart of India.” —DR. RICHARD FISHER, former professor and regional director at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois

The vision of India Gospel League has captivated the best of my attention. Words cannot describe the depth of impact this ministry has had on my life, my priorities and my concept of Great Commission living. Having traveled to India twice, and ventured with the IGL team to remote villages where the light of Jesus is shining brightly, I can only offer my heartiest recommendation.  Since my first trip in 2009, I’ve grown from a stunned onlooker to an engaged partner in the work, serving with IGL wherever and however I can.”  —PASTOR DAN JARVIS, church ministry director at Life Action Ministries, North America


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