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Travel to India

India Gospel League will help you, your church, company, family or group experience all that is happening on the ground in India for yourselves. We’ll help you plan a trip that fits your budget, your schedule and your passions to make a lasting impression on you and the lives you touch in the villages of India.

For more information about traveling to India, fill out our interest form here (*allow pop-ups on your computer to fill out the form!) or email IGL’s Travel Coordinator.

Team Options

Medical Team: Medical teams that visit IGL will help conduct village medical camps according to the need there and the practice areas of visiting professionals. Some villagers served may not have seen a doctor in years, or ever, so the relief for patients and joy for care givers is immense. Previous team camps have included dental clinics, eye care clinics, general medicine camps, gynecological seminars, veterinary camps and more. If you have a specialty not listed here and are interested in traveling to India, fill out this form to get started.

Eyewitness Team: Eyewitness teams travel to IGL headquarters in Salem, Tamil Nadu to experience the breadth and depth of the ministry. Members may take part in leprosy feedings, church and home dedications, baptisms of new believers, micro-credit loan distributions, children’s home visits or distribution events for livestock, Bibles or many other helps. Eyewitness trips are easily tailored to the passions of team members and can happen any time throughout the year. Fill out this form or call the IGL NA office for more information.

Pastor, Women or Youth Teaching Teams: Teaching teams are an integral part of IGL’s ministry as we seek to train and empower our brothers and sisters in India to reach a nation for Christ. Several times a year, teaching teams travel the broad expanse of the country teaching groups of pastors, women and youth who may have traveled for days on foot to learn more about Christ and enjoy a rare occasion for fellowship. Pastors, teachers and Bible study leaders are all welcome to join a team. You need not be a pastor to teach. For more information, fill out this form.

Have you contacted the IGL NA’s office and started planning your trip?

Click the link to fill out the application: Team member application



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Ways you can help

Ways you can help

Ways you can help

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