“Embracing the Vision”
Winter Quarterly Newsletter 2016
February 5th, 2016 by IGL Admin | | Posted in Field Updates, Mission Conversations
Are we prepared to say with Paul, “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision”? Paul stated in his defense to King Agrippa that he “declared first to those in Damascus, then in Jerusalem and throughout all the region of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance.” (Acts 26:19-20)
And as 1,500 IGL pastors, women and youth leaders celebrated the 20th anniversary of the NAIC at the annual conference last November, IGL’s leaders issued a clear call: to live out God’s vision, just as Paul did! The attendees renewed their pledge to plant a church every year (with God’s help, of course!) and, ultimately, to plant a church in every unreached village in South Asia. To date, more than 85,000 churches have been established by IGL church planters, and that number grows by hundreds every month.
During the conference, the attendees eagerly took notes as IGL leaders and a team from the U.S. taught about visionary and strategic leadership, remaining faithful in difficult times and God’s call to sacrifice and obedience, among other topics. The pastors were encouraged and challenged to tackle a new season of ministry, for God’s glory.
Please pray for the pastors of India, that they would continue carrying out this “vision from heaven” – the Great Commission!
CONSIDER: How are you living out this heavenly vision from God? If you haven’t yet read IGL’s book, Commissioned, we’d love to send you a copy! Prayerfully, it will challenge you to engage in Great Commission living like never before, inspired by testimonies of courageous sacrifice in India and Sri Lanka.
“I was motivated to do greater ministry out of all the teaching sessions I received in the conference… I will be teaching the theme to my church to be deep rooted in the word of the Lord and the Vision God has given us.” – Pastor Joseph
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