How children from one VBS are making a difference!
July 26th, 2016 by IGL Admin | | Posted in Encouraging Stories, Field Updates
A couple of weeks ago, a church in western New York hosted 90 kids for a week-long VBS. In addition to the traditional festivities comprised of songs, games and Bible teaching, the children also enjoyed the privilege of working together toward a common goal. They wanted to make a difference in a village halfway across the world.
Every year during VBS the leaders highlight a particular need and encourage the children and parents to join hands in raising money for that project. This year their goal was larger than ever before: to build a water well for people in rural India who are in desperate need of clean, sanitary drinking water.
In a typical year, this VBS raises around $350 for a particular project. This year, however, on the final day, they discovered their gifts totaled $1,250.08 – the exact amount for one water well! The children, unaware of the total funding needed, were thrilled to learn they had raised enough to impact an entire community in South Asia!
This gift of clean water will make all the difference to a poverty stricken community where the hot Indian summers regularly reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This summer alone, 330 million people in India face water shortages or significant difficulties with their water supplies. The well will not only provide sanitary water for cooking, cleaning and drinking, but an opportunity for the local church to share the Good News of the living water that Jesus has to offer. How wonderful for these children to know both temporal and eternal impact of their gift. Praise the Lord!
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