How Does God build his church?
October 6th, 2017 by IGL Admin | | Posted in Field Updates
“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18
That’s a great question, and an all-important one to answer. But it is necessary to first ask these questions: What is “The Church”? What is the purpose of “The Church”? What is our role in “The Church”? This November, pastors from all over South Asia will gather together in Salem, Tamil Nadu, to hear Biblical teachings covering these topics.
As IGL’s indigenous pastors plant new churches it’s essential they model these churches based on New Testament teachings. For the continued health and growth of these churches, it’s important that they embrace Jesus’ mission to the Church within their local context and make Jesus’ call a reality to their congregation. To do this we must to go back to the beginning: the first century Church.
It’s critical to recapture God’s vision for the Church in his eternal plan of redemption, reconciling humanity to Christ. The Church literally brings Christ to the world. The Church is the living presence of Christ, going where Christ would seek to go, doing his work, speaking his words and expressing his love and compassion.
Thus, hundreds of pastors in IGL’s network eagerly look forward to this year’s national conference on November 7-9 where they will take a comprehensive look at what Jesus meant when he said, “I will build my Church” (Matthew 16:18).
Yet, many of these rural pastors simply cannot afford the travel related costs to receive this essential training. But you can change that! You can send one pastor to be trained, equipped and inspired in November for only $55. Will you help?
Pastor's Conference
According to the U.S. Center for World Missions, nearly 1/3 of the world's unreached people groups reside in India. Your gift toward a Pastor's Conference could change that! IGL equips believers with the truth of Jesus Christ and helps them understand their faith, breaking the empty tradition of superstition, ritual and sacrifice. IGL Conferences teach believers to be effective witnesses through words and actions in their communities. Pastors receive training in sharing the gospel and serving as a shepherd in the region.$55
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