Summer Quarterly Newsletter 2015
July 22nd, 2015 by IGL Admin | | Posted in Field Updates
Many children living in rural India grow up without hope of breaking away from their parents’ poverty. Some never even leave the small area surrounding their village. But through IGL’s 22 children’s homes, we are able to offer hope and help to more than 1,200 children in need. The family-style living, gospel-centered teaching and practical education they receive while under our care gives them a different outlook on the future and introduces them to a relationship with Jesus Christ!
Unnamalai’s parents are both illiterate and her father struggled to put food on the table every day, let alone afford to send her to school. His job situation was unstable and he would go through periods where he had no work and could not afford to buy any food.
Then Unnamalai and her family found out about IGL’s children’s homes through a Children’s Gospel Club (CGC) in her village. And at the age of five, she came to live in IGL’s Sharon Home. Living at Sharon Home for two years now, Unnamalai is being fed, clothed, taught the Bible and educated at school. She also gets to do some of her favorite things like playing hide-and-seek with friends and painting.
Unnamalai is incredibly grateful for the opportunities offered by her sponsor (an individual from Minnesota) and especially for the unconditional love of Jesus. She has told us that she someday wants to become a teacher, so that she can help other kids who grew up with the same challenges she faced.
Ways you can help
Sponsor a Child
Write To Child
Special Gift To Child
Unsponsored Children
Ways you can help
Sponsor A Nurse
Leprosy Care
Medical Camps
Ways you can help
Pastor Sponsorship
Discipleship Material
Bible Student Sponsorship
Ways you can help
Housing For Leprosy Victim
Clean Water
Nutritious Meals
Ways you can help
Order CGC Kits
Send a Child to a CGC
Ways you can help
Pastor and Family
Child Care
Grief Counseling and Prayer Gathering
Care Package
Ways you can help
Bible Student Sponsorship
Sign up for eNews
Barefoot Pastor Sponsorship
Send a Child to a CGC
Ways you can help
Order Copies
Pastor Sponsorship
Training Material
Equip Pastors