Connecting Kids with Global Missions
August 1st, 2017 by IGL Admin | | Posted in Field Updates
In February, Marthe and her husband were thrilled when they discovered a way to connect kids in their church to kids halfway across the world. And they didn’t even have to take a long plane ride!
They heard about IGL’s Children’s Gospel Club (CGC) program earlier this year at the Children’s Ministry Connect conference. CGCs are a yearlong discipleship program for children across South Asia which combines the best of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School (VBS). “My husband and I were floored when we heard it was only $1 for one year of discipleship,” explained Marthe.
When she realized that children of all ages at her very own church could have an incredible impact in the lives of children across the world, she had an idea! They could start “right here, right now,” Marthe said. That is when she decided to use Children’s Gospel Club materials at their church event this summer to benefit kids in South Asia. The kids didn’t need to raise a lot of money to make an impact – remember is only takes $1 to change one child’s life through CGCs!
As the VBS started, the kids were excited to learn about another country so very different from their own. Their worldview blossomed as they learned about the culture, the food, the homes and the religious beliefs in South Asia. They were also surprised to learn that America isn’t the only place that has something like VBS.
The kids in Marthe’s church were challenged. What if they skipped buying a candy bar? Or a soda? That money could help one (or two!) child(ren) in South Asia attend a Children’s Gospel Club for the very first time, providing them the opportunity to hear about Jesus – an opportunity they might not have had otherwise.
Throughout the week, the children were encouraged to bring any money they would have spent on candies, sodas or other goodies. By the end of the week the children’s dedication showed: they had raised enough money to send almost 2,300 children to a club!
Thanks to Marthe and the kids at this church, a simple, small sacrifice resulted in giant gains for the kingdom. Thank you for your impact on the lives of children in South Asia! And thank you to every man, woman and child who has also generously given so a child in South Asia can learn about Jesus.
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